Volunteers are the foundation of Ancoura’s activities. They are the lifeblood that keeps the organization going. Volunteers are needed for many different types of activities and varying time commitments, some occasional related to a particular project, some more long-term, some requiring special skills. The following volunteer list gives specific examples of our needs. This list is not comprehensive but hopefully it will assist potential volunteers to match their interests, time availability and skills with specific needs and activities.
To volunteer, contact Jayne Rooney at 613-233-8130 or admin@ancoura.ca.
Visiting Volunteers

Are you looking to build meaningful social connections? Do you enjoy going for walks, board games, going out for coffee and grabbing a bite to eat, movies, arts and crafts, sports, computer games, and spending time with and supporting others? These are just some of the activities our current volunteers do with our residents. At Ancoura, we recognize that social isolation is a determinant of health, and we focus on social connection’s role in mental health. We focus on building relationships, offering support, friendship, and activities.
Volunteers are the foundation of Ancoura’s activities. They are the lifeblood that keeps the organization going, forming a circle of friends for our residents. As a visiting volunteer with one of our Ancoura homes, you can have a profound impact on the lives of our residents by:
- Reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness
- Developing meaningful personal connections and relationships
- Increasing self-confidence
- Working on life skills
- Improving mental and physical health in a sustainable manner
As a visiting volunteer with Ancoura, you can build mutually beneficial friendships, companionship, and social connection with our community of residents. Visiting volunteers would connect with our residents on a biweekly basis, with the timing being flexible to the volunteers. Becoming a visiting volunteer means making a commitment to the residents at an Ancoura home for at least a year. Training will be provided.
If you want to learn more about becoming a visiting volunteer and joining our circle of friends, please contact us at admin@ancoura.ca
Activity Volunteers

Do you like arts and crafts?
Are you interested in starting a walking group?
Do you enjoy playing video games?
Are you a movie buff?
Are you a big sports fan?
Do you enjoy board games?
Do you enjoy photography?
Are you looking to develop meaningful friendships?
If you have a hobby or interests, you’d like to share with some of Ancoura’s residents, then this position is for you! Help us reduce the social isolation experienced by adults living with mental illness. Ancoura is looking for interested volunteers to engage in activities with our residents, and to have fun together! Our volunteer program focuses on how isolation is a social determinant of health, and we aspire to continue to grow our supportive Ancoura community of volunteers who also gain meaningful connection and relationships.
The activity volunteer role is different than the visiting volunteer as the requirements are to spend time with residents doing an activity at least 1x/month, rather than connecting with residents on a biweekly basis. As we are focused on building meaningful relationships, we are looking for someone who can commit at least 6 months to this volunteer role. Training will be provided. If you would like to learn more about becoming an activity volunteer, please contact us at admin@ancoura.ca
Board of Directors
The board meets monthly at a time convenient to board directors. Board terms are two years open to renewal. Many directors also serve on a committee. We would benefit having on the board, or as a consultant: a lawyer, accountant, bookkeeper, real estate agent, fundraiser, someone with experience organizing volunteers.
As a board member for Ancoura you will prepare for and actively participate at monthly board meetings, join a committee, participate in fundraising, and be an ambassador for Ancoura in the community.
The ideal candidate would have previous experience volunteering for a not-for profit organization as a board member or in a leadership role; fundraising and/or sales and marketing experience; and great communication skills. Legal experience is also an asset. Experience with the mental health community is an asset.
Time Commitment: The Board term is two years open to renewal.
Please apply by email with your CV and cover letter at: admin@ancoura.ca
Governance Committee
Acts on behalf of the board during interim times between board meetings, dealing with strategic decisions, human resources, policies, and any ad hoc issues that are outside the mandate of other committees.
Responsible for the communication tools that Ancoura uses to make ourselves known. These include our brochure, newsletter, website, annual report, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Occasionally, the committee prepares PowerPoint presentations and videos.
Fundraising Committee
Advises and assists the board on financial matters including review of monthly and yearly financial statements, recommendation of the annual budget, and oversight of internal financial procedures as they arise.
Ad Hoc Committee
We also need volunteers who are available for specific tasks, but do not wish to be part of a committee, e.g. helping arrange social activities, helping with moving.
Thank You!
Ancoura is grateful for the dedicated involvement of our volunteers.
They are the the foundation of Ancoura’s activities and the lifeblood that keeps the organization going.