

You can make online donations at by filling out the form below

Donate Securities/Mutual Funds

Click here to donate Securities or Mutual Funds to Ancoura.

Send a cheque

You can also send a cheque made out to “Ancoura” to:

30 Cleary Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K2A 4A1

Ancoura is a registered charity and will provide receipts for income tax purposes for all cheques received. Charitable Registration No.: 804860955 RR 0001

* Direct your United Way or Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign contribution to us. Simply write Ancoura’s name and charitable registration number on your donation form.


What is a bequest? A bequest is a gift of cash, stock or personal property given to a person or organization through Will or trust. A written Will is an effective way to direct that your final wishes are respected.

Each year, thousands of Canadians designate a bequest to benefit their favourite charity. Gifts by Will enable individuals to make significant gifts that they may not have been able to make during their lifetime. After providing for the financial needs of your family and heirs, your Will allows you to help others. Your values and wishes will live on through your generosity.

Your gift to Ancoura will enable us to provide a nurturing and fulfilling environment for adults living with a mental illness, through stable, affordable housing and a supportive community.

What are the advantages to leaving a bequest?

  • First, you can make a meaningful contribution to a cause dear to you.
  • Second, you can inspire your family and close friends to follow your example, thus, multiplying the power of your action.
  • Third, on the practical side, your bequest amount may provide tax benefits to your estate.
  • Fourth, it is easy to arrange. Simply instruct your lawyer to include a gift to Ancoura in your Will. It can be a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or the residue of your estate (a gift after debts have been paid and other gifts have been distributed).

Other ways to leave a legacy gift in your Will include:

  • Gifts of Stocks & Securities
  • Gift of Life Insurance
  • Registered Assets (RRSP & RRIF)
  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Specific piece of property, such as a home.

Our pledges to those who leave a legacy gift to Ancoura:

  1. We respect your privacy.
  2. We will respect your wishes and use your gift to fulfill our mission.

Information you will need:

  • Legal name of charity: Ancoura
  • Charitable registration number: 804860955 RR 0001
  • Address: 30 Cleary Ave., Ottawa, ON, K2A 4A1
  • Ancoura’s office: 613-233-8130;

Seek Expert Advice:
If you are considering making a planned gift to Ancoura, you should seek expert advice from a lawyer/estate attorney, tax specialist, or financial planner/advisor, who can provide advice based on your financial and philanthropic goals.

In Memorium Donations (In lieu of flowers)

A donation in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to express sympathy to the bereaved family and to honour the one who passed. It is an opportunity to support a charity that was important to the loved one.

Ancoura’s office: 613-233-8130;

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